Work Life is Growing!

Over the past year, The Chalmers Center has made significant changes and improvements to our Work Life program. We’re excited to share these updates with you and pray that they bless your ministry. If you are not already part of the Work Life community, we hope that we might partner with you in the future!

What is Work Life?

Work Life is a work readiness program that equips people in economically challenged communities to overcome barriers to meaningful work through a biblically integrated curriculum offered in a supportive learning community. It empowers participants to recognize that God is at work in the world, and that when they work, they are participating in God’s work.

In addition to equipping participants with skills to succeed in the marketplace, Work Life classes explore deeper worldview questions related to individual choices, systemic barriers, and relational complexities that people from a background of generational poverty face when seeking to join and flourish in the workforce.

Creating Post-Training Courses and an Online Community

As we began the redesign of the Work Life Site Certification Course, we knew that ministry leaders were in need of further support. In response, we created four courses that align with each of what we call the Four Key Roles. Those roles include (1) the administrator, (2) the business liaison, (3) the facilitator, and (4) the ally coordinator.

Now, when teams complete their training, each member will have immediate access to in-depth training for their specific role. These post-training courses share actionable steps for each role so everyone knows what they need to do as they move toward launching their first class.

Additionally, we now provide ministry leaders with 10 hours of individual coaching for their sites, and we host quarterly group coaching calls.

Finally, our team has created the Work Life Online Community. In this community, individuals have the opportunity to connect with other ministry leaders, learn best practices, and discuss innovation in the field. They receive weekly inspiration and encouragement, and they are able to discover more about the tools and resources that are available for them. This is a one-stop-shop for all Work Life tools, resources, and stories.

Updating the Work Life Class Curriculum

Along with the redesign of site certification training, our team has worked to improve and refine the Work Life class curriculum, which is now available to all certified facilitators. In an effort to streamline the class content, we trimmed the lessons from 19 units to 11 units. The class heavily focuses on the creation of practical, individual portfolios for participants to use during job searching and interviewing.

These customizable portfolios include a skills assessment, an “elevator pitch,” the participant’s résumé, a 1-3 year plan, letters of reference, and a comprehensive list of questions to ask interviewers. We believe that this portfolio is a tangible and accessible tool for all Work Life participants to feel prepared and confident as they seek and maintain employment.

Bring Work Life to your Ministry!

If your church or ministry is considering becoming a Work Life site, we first encourage you to pray. Ask the Lord to provide the right people for your team and the resources to host a class. Second, we ask you to think about the different partnerships you already have – how might some of these fit into the Four Key Roles? Give them the time and space to learn more about Work Life and how they might walk alongside your ministry.

To learn more about Work Life and how to get certified, click here to book a FREE consultation call with our team. We’ll walk you through the process and help you discern if this program is a good fit for your church or organization.

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The Chalmers Center

The Chalmers Center

The Chalmers Center helps God’s people rethink poverty and respond with practical biblical principles so that all are restored to flourishing.

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