Discover how a potluck approach to poverty alleviation can lead to lasting change.

Have you ever wondered...

With so many Christians in the world trying to solve poverty, is what we're doing actually helping people or just addressing a problem?

It turns out that a soup kitchen approach to helping people can actually keep them stuck in poverty.

Disempowers recipients and creates dependency

Overlooks systemic issues that keep people trapped

Neglects the broken relationships at the root of poverty

Learn what a potluck approach is, how it's different, and why it leads to flourishing for all.

how a potluck approach to poverty alleviation can lead to lasting change

What you will learn in this micro training

Clarify your own understanding of Christian poverty alleviation.

How you define poverty will determine how you approach solving it. We'll help you gain clarity into your assumptions about poverty.

Describe a potluck approach and learn how it's different than a soup kitchen approach.

What makes a potluck approach to poverty alleviation unique? We'll explore the differences between a soup kitchen and a potluck.

Identify when a ministry is using a potluck approach to poverty alleviation.

We'll help you learn to identify the characteristics of ministries that adopt a potluck approach to poverty alleviation.

Learn more about what poverty is and its root causes.

Poverty is more than a lack of material goods. Discover how broken relationships with God, self, other, and creation affect all of us.

how a potluck approach to poverty alleviation can lead to lasting change

Embrace a vision for poverty alleviation that leads to flourishing for ALL.

A soup kitchen divides the room up into "haves" and "have nots."

This makes is difficult to build connections that will lead to restored relationships.

At a potluck, everyone brings something to contribute and receives what others have shared.

There is a spirit of mutuality, and the dignity of of all people is honored.

Check out the FREE From Poverty to Potluck training to learn how a potluck approach to poverty alleviation can transform your ministry.