Who We Are
At Chalmers, we take a different approach to poverty.
What We Do
We work with churches and organizations all over the globe.
How We're Unique
We believe the local church is central to poverty alleviation.
Where We Work
We work in North America, Africa, Asia, and South America.
What We Believe
Learn more about our statement of faith.
A Different Approach To Poverty
Many popular ways of helping people in poverty don't reflect God's story of redemption. On top of that, they don't work.
These approaches leave people trapped in poverty and dependent on others. And they leave ministry leaders feeling stuck and frustrated.
Since 1999, we’ve helped thousands of churches and ministries take a different approach to poverty.
We can help you too!
Who We Are
At Chalmers, we believe in a different approach to poverty – one that is rooted in God’s redemptive story, the local church, and transformational development.
Sadly, many of the most common ways of helping the poor don't reflect God's design for human flourishing.
These approaches often leave people trapped in the cycle of poverty and create unhealthy dependency on others. This lack of transformation leaves ministry leaders feeling stuck, frustrated, and exhausted.
Since 1999, the Chalmers Center has been helping God's people rethink poverty and respond with practical, biblical principles so that all are restored to flourishing.
We’ve helped thousands of churches and ministries take a different approach to poverty by addressing the broken relationships at the root of poverty instead of just treating the symptoms.

What We Do
Over the past two decades The Chalmers Center has expanded its impact and influence throughout North America and the Majority World. Each year, we train thousands of people in principles of biblical poverty alleviation.
We have also developed tools and resources for ever-changing contexts. Our signature programs include Faith & Finances, Work Life, RESTORE, Innovate, and Helping without Hurting in Benevolence Ministry.

Together with online, on-demand courses, the Chalmers Center provides learners with practical, biblical, and effective ways to care for their community. In addition, Chalmers influences thousands of organizations through books, speaking engagements, and workshops.

Together with online, on-demand courses, the Chalmers Center provides learners with practical, biblical, and effective ways to care for their community. In addition, Chalmers influences thousands of organizations through books, speaking engagements, and workshops.
How We're Unique
The Chalmers Center’s approach to poverty alleviation is based on our unique framework that combines God’s story of change, the local church, and transformational development.

God's Story of Change
The Chalmers Center has developed an approach to poverty alleviation that is rooted in God’s story of change. We recognize that poverty is more than a lack of material goods, and the solution isn’t simply to attempt to baptize the American Dream. Jesus isn’t just saving our souls so that we can go to heaven when we die, but he is reconciling all things to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross (Col. 1:20). We believe the gospel should permeate all aspects of our work as we walk alongside people living in material poverty and experience mutual transformation.

The Local Church
Because the local church is where God dwells, it plays a central role in restoring people to flourishing. All who are involved in the work of poverty alleviation, both those living in material poverty and those who are not, need the ministry of the local church. In our work in the U.S. and around the world, we desire to see all our stakeholders involved in the life of the local church where they can hear the gospel preached, participate in the community of God’s people, and receive the sacraments.

Transformational Development
The Chalmers Center’s Ministry Design Principles weave together biblical principles, holistic ministry best practices, and a commitment to long-term relational ministry. We recognize these relationships are mutually transformative as we walk alongside our neighbors, for we all have gifts to contribute to the work of poverty alleviation. Over the past 20 years, we’ve developed proven economic development programs that are bringing transformation to communities in North America and the Majority World.
Where We Work
From downtown Dallas to villages in rural Togo, we work with churches and church-equipping organizations around the world.
We’ve worked directly with thousands of churches and nonprofit organizations, and partner with kingdom-minded ministries to expand our reach and impact throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Our Ministry Partners
We’ve worked with thousands of churches and ministries of all sizes across the globe, including:

What We Believe
The Chalmers Center has adopted the Lausanne Covenant as our statement of belief. We are deeply committed to:
- The inerrancy and ultimate authority of the Bible
- Living out our faith under the authority of God’s local church
- Sharing God’s love for people in poverty
- Relying on God’s strength through prayer
- Being empowered with the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit