Think about poverty biblically
Make your ministry more effective
Solve challenges creatively

Poverty is complex. You can help—and we can show you how.
Too many ministry leaders are frustrated with band-aid solutions to poverty. But we believe in a different approach to helping people who are poor.
We know poverty feels like an overwhelming problem. We're here to help!

Over 500,000 copies of When Helping Hurts sold

Equipped 30K+ churches and nonprofits worldwide

Served over 1 million people in poverty

Our ministry partners
We partner with trusted, kingdom-centered ministries to equip the local churches around the world, including:

Here's how we do it:
A biblical approach to poverty
Helping the poor isn't just about giving them stuff. It's about healing the brokenness at the roots.
Resources for your ministry
We offer tools to help you and your team think differently about poverty—and do something about it.
Practical training for your team
We'll equip your team to improve an existing ministry or launch a new one using our proven curriculum.
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