Discover a different way to think about poverty
Help people in ways that create lasting change
Learn basic principles of ministry with people in poverty
What if there's a better way to help people in poverty?
Bestseller When Helping Hurts has changed the way thousands of church and ministry leaders approach poverty.
Designed to equip you to begin effectively helping low-income people, When Helping Hurts articulates a biblical framework for poverty alleviation.
Learn how to walk with the materially poor in humble relationships instead of just providing them temporary handouts.
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Meet your guides
You'll learn from the best in our online courses! You'll hear from:
- Poverty experts
- Pastors from churches big and small
- Church and ministry leaders just like you!
We've learned what works, and what doesn't-and we want to share that knowledge so you can help people in biblical, effective ways.

Our online training is trusted by 700+ churches and ministries:

What people are saying about this course

“This course presented a completely new way of understanding poverty as well as evoking a deep empathy for the materially poor. It encouraged me to get involved and gave me tools where previously I just felt overwhelmed.”
Praetoria, South Africa

“This course gave me a framework and methodology of how to work with the materially poor that I come in contact with.”
Grand Rapids, Michigan

“I recommend this course to anyone who is looking for the root causes of the perpetual cycle of poverty and God's biblical way to make a deep and lasting end to that cycle in people's lives.”
Belgrade, Montana