Why Life.Church Put a Pause on Missions
Over a decade ago, Life.Church paused all of their missions activities. The church was growing, but their strategy to create local and global impact wasn’t working.
The Life.Church team knew there had to be a more effective framework for missions, but they weren’t sure where to start. “There has to be a better approach to serve our communities…we really needed to think differently,” said Jeff Galley, who now leads Life.Church’s missions.

On a flight, Jeff saw a magazine ad for When Helping Hurts and hoped it could bring answers to the team’s questions. After reading the book and spending a season in prayer and conversations, Life.Church’s leadership adopted Chalmers’ principles that transformed their programs and missions strategy to what it is today.
Life.Church no longer runs their own missions programs. Instead, the church empowers local leaders who already have established relationships with the people they seek to serve.
When churches practice Chalmers’ principles, ministries within low-income communities can improve their poverty alleviation strategies, while freeing up the church to do what it does best — help people follow Christ.
Life.Church partners with local nonprofits such as Restore OKC, who is using Chalmers’ Faith & Finances and Work Life programs. The church even sponsored seven teams to go through Chalmers’ Innovate training.
The beauty of partnering is that it moves us out of the idea that change depends on us…God is already at work, and he invites us to be a part of the work he’s already doing.
Jon Mays, Life.Church

Your generosity is growing Chalmers’ influence and changing how Christians approach poverty alleviation.
Jeff shared how Chalmers is a “hidden hand” behind their relationships. Nearly all of Life.Church’s local and global partners have been shaped by Chalmers and use Chalmers programs today.
Because of how much Chalmers transformed Life.Church and their partners, the church has been a gift partner for a decade, and Jeff currently serves on the Chalmers board.
Supporting Chalmers helps our local partners win. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Jeff Galley, Life.Church