


Posts in “short-term missions”

Social Media Guidelines for Short-Term Missions

Social Media Guidelines for Short-Term Missions

Many Western Christians’ first engagement with cross-cultural ministry is through a short-term mission trip. But short-term missions can do more harm than good. We have to carefully consider why we might go and how best to conduct a trip that honors and supports the work God is already doing among and through His people.


You’re Not the Hero: Avoiding Paternalism in Short-Term Missions

Healthy, effective approaches to addressing material poverty start by recognizing and celebrating the gifts and resources God has already placed in a community. This can include natural resources, people, families, neighborhood associations, schools, businesses, governments, or individual skills.

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Before You Go: Defining Success in Short-Term Missions

As the summer season approaches, many church groups in the U.S. are preparing for short-term mission trips, whether inside or outside the country. They may be thinking through the details of their plans, making travel arrangements and packing lists and prayer sheets, and raising funds.

Short-Term Missions that Avoid Long-Term Harm—Part 2

Short-Term Missions that Avoid Long-Term Harm—Part 2

Adapted from Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions: Leaders’ Guide, 7-11. Last week, we shared some cautions about the real harm that poorly-thought-through short-term mission efforts can cause. This is a real issue with real-world consequences.  We can’t emphasize enough that churches and ministries from wealthy countries need to work hard to ensure that they…

Short-Term Missions that Avoid Long-Term Harm—Part 1

Short-Term Missions that Avoid Long-Term Harm—Part 1

Adapted from Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions: Leaders’ Guide, 29-31. Much international travel, particularly to and from countries with limited healthcare infrastructure, has been on hold for the past 2 years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As short-term trips begin to become a possibility again, it’s important to remember some best practices for short-term…