Social Media Guidelines for Short-Term Missions

Many Western Christians’ first engagement with cross-cultural ministry is through a short-term mission trip. But short-term missions can do more harm than good. We have to carefully consider why we might go and how best to conduct a trip that honors and supports the work God is already doing among and through His people.

After considering these things well, we may still commit to a trip to visit a church or ministry in another country or another part of our own country. When we go, though, we also need to commit to embodying healthy and dignifying ways of telling others about the trip.

The Challenges of a Highly Visual Culture 

We live in a “pics or it didn’t happen” culture where every latte, sunset, or family gathering is fair game for a picture and a social media post. For many of us, it’s how we allow friends and family to share in our day-to-day lives. But we need to be mindful of how these habits play out in short-term missions (and cross-cultural ministry settings more generally).

As part of our Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions materials, Chalmers has created this social media guidelines sheet for use with your ministry teams. Please click the image below to download and share!

The Chalmers Center

The Chalmers Center

The Chalmers Center helps God’s people rethink poverty and respond with practical biblical principles so that all are restored to flourishing.


  1. Kristy Holliday on May 17, 2024 at 1:07 pm

    Thanks for this well-thought-out guide. I help to coordinate short-term volunteers for a ministry in Reynosa, Mexico. Our volunteers give up their phones during their week spent with us and that helps with boundaries. However, I will be sharing these ideas with our volunteers before they leave us and return home this summer. Blessings to you all.

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