Refocusing Ministry Through Innovation

Grace Chapel

When we’re walking with people in poverty, we sometimes want a recipe to follow. But real-life complexities often demand a more innovative approach. Hear how one local church has started shifting from meeting material needs to building relationships with people.

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Innovate: Ministry Design

Feeling discouraged by the poverty you see in your community—yet not sure what you could possibly do about it? Get Trained and Equipped to Design an Effective Biblical Poverty Alleviation Ministry in 8 Weeks Drawing from best practices in community development and easy-to-use innovation and design thinking tools, Innovate equips your team with a biblical…

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Racial Injustice and Our False Gods

Image of a church steeple

What is the church supposed to do about racial injustice? Evangelism and prayer should be central tools in the fight against systemic injustice. But what else should the church be doing? To fully answer this question, we must first answer another important question: Why did Jesus come to earth?

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Why Good Intentions Aren’t Enough

Why Good Intentions Aren't Enough

How we diagnose the problem of poverty directly impacts how we will seek to address it. If we treat only the symptoms or if we misdiagnose the underlying problem, we will not improve the situation—and we might actually make the lives of the materially poor worse in the long run.

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Worship and Fighting Poverty

Worship and Fighting Poverty

We don’t often connect our work in fighting poverty (and economic life more generally) with our worship of the living God. But we should. When the collection plate is passed around in a church service, pastors often try to connect the dots to how our giving is part of worship. But it doesn’t always register with us.

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Faith & Finances Facilitator Training

Faith & Finances Training

Financial Stewardship Designed for Low-Income Adults Start a financial education class for low-income adults with Faith & Finances. Get Trained Gain skills and confidence with our online training Help people in poverty steward their money well Address poverty in a biblical, effective way Financial obstacles keep people in the U.S. trapped in poverty. Predatory lending Poor credit Low…

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Innovate for Citygate Members

Discover a better way Innovate: Online Get trained to help your nonprofit design or redesign a ministry or program that empowers the materially poor. Register Now Address the broken relationships at the root of material poverty Apply the design thinking process and principles to your ministry Develop creative, sustainable solutions to help people “So, are…

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Why Poverty Is More than a Lack of Material Resources

Why poverty is more than a lack of material goods

Adapted from When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor…and Ourselves.

Defining poverty is not simply an academic exercise. The ways we define poverty—either implicitly or explicitly—play a major role in determining the solutions we use in our attempts to alleviate that poverty.

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Foundational Ministry Design Principles

Poverty alleviation is complex, so principles are more helpful than blueprints for designing an effective poverty alleviation ministry. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to material poverty, and context matters, too. Ministry tools and strategies that work well to facilitate lasting transformation in a rural village in Togo might not work in an urban area in the U.S., and vice versa. Effective, sustainable ministry reflects God’s story of change and the way He has made us as human beings.

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