Equip your congregation and ministry networks to help without hurting
Six study units with free online video lessons
Discussion questions, application exercises, and materials for further learning
Equip your congregation and ministry networks to help without hurting
As a group, explore ways to apply these principles in your church and community.
Together, learn how poverty results from broken relationships—and discover how you can join in Jesus’ work of restoring that brokenness.
Praise for When Helping Hurts: The Small Group Experience

“Corbett and Fikkert fill in some important gaps in our thinking and acting about poverty as Christians. Churches in North America will find this a helpful way to educate congregations and then motivate them to action, both globally and in their neighborhoods.”
Dr. Bryant Myers
Professor of International Development
School of International Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary

“When Helping Hurts lays out the principles and practice for transforming our good intentions into genuine, lasting change. I couldn't recommend this book more highly.”
Stephan Bauman
Senior Vice President of Programs
World Relief

“Corbett and Fikkert biblically define poverty, highlight why past initiatives haven't always lived up to expectations, and provide practical ways for extending the kingdom of God both in inner cities and to the ends of the earth.”
Peter Greer
HOPE International