Learn the basics of various microfinance models
Discover principles for successful microfinance ministry
Explore resources and tools for Majority World churches
Can poverty be solved through the local church?
Brian Fikkert and Russell Mask explain the world of microfinance, unpacking the principles of effective microfinance ministry design.
Learn how local churches in the Majority World can alleviate poverty through church-centered microfinance.
Using their own gifts, these churches can foster lasting spiritual, social, and economic transformation in the lives of the materially poor.
Praise for From Dependence to Dignity

“Caring for the poor is an obvious priority to followers of Jesus. But how do we help without hurting? This book explores groundbreaking ideas on how to help the poor through microfinance ministries.”
Craig Groeshel
Senior Pastor of LifeChurch.tv

“Brian Fikkert and Russel Mask go beyond the call for charity by equipping the church to respond in ways that make a lasting impact. I am delighted to see the global church being equipped through this outstanding book. I couldn't recommend it more highly!”
Peter Greer
President and CEO of HOPE International

“This is an excellent book for those engaged in the task of breaking the ‘dependency syndrome‘ that some NGOs have inadvertently created among the poor and marginalized that they have sought to help through long-term engagement.”
Dr. Ravi I. Jayakaran
Senior Associate for Integral Mission, Lausanne Movement
Get free resources
Click the links below to access each free resource.
Restore: Savings
Download a free sample of our savings group curriculum. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
Checklists for Building Strategic Relationships
Use this free tool to help you evaluate potential partnerships with other organizations.
Financial Landscape Assessment
Discover what financial and non-financial services exist in the community you want to serve.
Microfinance System Assessment
Assess a microfinance system based on economic concepts and principles.
Target Community
Understand the particular assets and needs of the people you want to help.
Partnership Model Assessment
Examine the capacity of a local church, organization, or microfinance institution to engage in an effective partnership.
Promotion Model Assessment
Use this tool to determine whether you should pursue the Promotion Model.
What Makes SCAs Work?
Learn how an SCA satisfies the conditions in the Financial Systems Design Principle.