


Posts in “Partnerships”

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Learning From Others in Ministry Design

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Learning From Others in Ministry Design

Over the years, I’ve had conversations with hundreds of ministry leaders who reflect on how, in the early years of their work with the materially poor, they did as much harm as good.


Anticipating the Next 20 Years of Partnership!

For over two decades, Chalmers has partnered with Five Talents as they implement RESTORE savings group ministries in six East African countries, as well as Bolivia and Myanmar. Partnering with local churches around the world, Five Talents trains men and women living in extreme poverty to form savings groups, take out loans, and build their own businesses.


Seed Effect Brings Chalmers’ Principles to Northern Uganda

In 2009, Seed Effect set out with a commitment to bringing Christ-centered economic empowerment to South Sudan. Seven years into ministry, civil war returned to the already fragile country—forcing Seed Effect to rethink their approach as they relocated to Northern Uganda.

With Chalmers’ influence, Seed Effect made a quick pivot—they added a savings-led model—that allowed their members to flourish.

Equipping Ukrainian Church Leaders with HOPE International

Equipping Ukrainian Church Leaders with HOPE International

Last summer, a team from Chalmers’ long standing partner, HOPE International, visited some of the Ukrainian church partners that they had supported in the early months of the war. While encouraged by incredible stories of life-saving relief work, they also detected challenges that often accompany sustained periods of relief: overextended church leaders, dependency from recipients, and frustration from volunteers. 


Free Webinar: Helping International Orphans Without Hurting

Caring for orphans and vulnerable children is a foundational way the church expresses Christ’s love to the world (James 1:27). How we seek to help them makes a world of difference. Empowering families through household economic development can help us do this well over the long haul, strengthening families, churches, and communities to address the…

Church and City Partnerships Restore Dignity through Work

Church and City Partnerships Restore Dignity through Work

If work is foundational to human dignity and ought to be part of our poverty alleviation efforts, what does it look like in “real life” for churches to practice a commitment to work as part of their ministry life?

Partnerships Re-Purpose Space and Re-Ignite Hope

Partnerships Re-Purpose Space and Re-Ignite Hope

How a long process of transformation brought churches, nonprofits, and even government services together to show the love of Christ in a community.