Posts in “Nonprofit”
Collaborating for the Kingdom
Donors, ministries, and materially poor people are often very different and may live thousands of miles apart. It sure doesn’t feel like much of a community, and sadly, it often doesn’t function like one. How can we better practice kingdom community in the space of poverty alleviation?
Stewarding the King’s Gifts to Advance His Kingdom
Every poverty alleviation effort includes three groups of stakeholders: donors, ministry staff and volunteers, and the materially poor people the initiative hopes to serve. How can these three very different groups of people manage their differences and work together for God’s kingdom?
Connecting with Local Resources: Church and Parachurch Partnership
The church is called to address the social, spiritual, and physical needs of the poor—but that call is not only for the church. Parachurch organizations, nonprofits, and even businesses and government agencies can all be part of someone’s journey out of material poverty. How can these organizations work well together?
The Church, the Parachurch, and Poverty Alleviation
One way that the church’s responsibility to care for the poor is carried out in complex modern societies is through a wide range of parachurch ministries. While the parachurch should never undertake tasks that are exclusively given to the church, there is much that these ministries can do very effectively to care for the materially poor.