


Posts in “Kingdom Economics”

Worship and Fighting Poverty

Worship and Fighting Poverty

We don’t often connect our work in fighting poverty (and economic life more generally) with our worship of the living God. But we should. When the collection plate is passed around in a church service, pastors often try to connect the dots to how our giving is part of worship. But it doesn’t always register with us.

Economics in Jesus’ Kingdom

Economics in Jesus’ Kingdom

God is bringing a kingdom far more real than any earthly power or authority we experience today. That kingdom calls Christians to embrace a whole life of economic discipleship by which we learn to live as economic citizens of God’s kingdom.

Illustration of a hand holding a bag of money

Social Mobility or Restored Community: What Is Money for?

Financial education is a key part of helping people in poverty experience greater flourishing. But when we try to educate others about finances, it often reveals what we really believe about money. What stories do we believe about money—and what stories are we telling other people?

Run-down houses

Potlucking with Jesus: Poverty, Injustice, and the Church

What if ministry with the materially poor looked like a potluck instead of a soup kitchen? Hear from Michael Rhodes, co-author of Practicing the King’s Economy, as he shares what he’s learned from his friends and neighbors in South Memphis.

Someone writing a check

God’s Battle for Your Bank Account

The tomatoes caught me off guard. Sitting in a small Anglican church in Kenya, I was prepared for the invitation to put some money in the offering plate. I was not prepared for tomatoes. But that’s what the members of that farming village brought. Tomatoes, avocadoes, maybe even a chicken or two, all brought up…

Woman working in a restaurant

God’s Kingdom Has a Startling Economic System

Every earthly kingdom has its own way of doing things, its own customs and policies regarding food, sex, family, and religion. And every kingdom has an economic policy. But when Jesus welcomes us into his alternate kingdom, something strange happens. We discover a whole new world. And we soon discover that Jesus’s kingdom looks different…

Neighbors eating a meal together

Potluck Community: Re-Imagining the Kingdom

This year, we released a new book resource designed to help churches re-disciple their members around the vision of the Kingdom of God. Written by community development practitioner Michael Rhodes and Chattanooga pastor Robby Holt, Practicing the King’s Economy explores practical ways for Christians to live out the Kingdom of God in their work, church, family, and…