


Posts in “Audio Interview”

Kingdom Partners

Churches Supporting Churches

In some places, there are churches on every corner—but they often stay disconnected. Listen to this episode of Rethink Poverty and hear how one local ministry is working to change that.

Interview with Brian Fikkert: Redefining Success for Poverty Alleviation

Redefining “Success” for Poverty Alleviation

What’s the best way to help people who are poor? We can talk about techniques, but the truth is we need more than that. To really help people, we have to take a look at the stories that we tell ourselves about what success really looks like—both for you and the people you are trying to help.

Startups, Social Impact, and the Church

Startups, Social Impact, and the Church

The local church can become a catalyst for starting local businesses and creating social impact within their communities. Hear how from a panel of entrepreneurs.

Trauma-Informed Care with Suzanne Burns

Understanding the Effects of Trauma

Trauma is often caused by and contributes to material poverty. As we walk alongside materially poor people, how can we be more aware of trauma they may have experienced?

Building Community Inside Prison Walls podcast with Brenda McGowan

Building Community Inside Prison Walls

Our friend Brenda McGowan of Crossroads Prison Ministries shares about her experiences working with people who are incarcerated—and how the answer to mass incarceration is the mass mobilization of the church!

Work Life grad

The Transforming Power of Work

Project Connect Nashville is working to help people “get out and stay out” of poverty through relationships and connections with local churches. Check out our interview with the Project Connect team!

More in Common podcast

More in Common

In American culture, there’s often a divide between rural and urban dwellers. Yet when two leaders from these communities view their lives through a holistic Gospel lens, they find surprising common ground. Listen as they discuss fatherhood, marriage, discipleship, death, and hope in Christ.

Laura Haley and Vicki Conn

Interview: Vicki Conn of Love INC

Chalmers staff member Laura Haley sat down with Vicki Conn, Director of Love INC of Greater Holmes County, to discuss how local churches are transforming lives and communities in the name of Christ.

Man reading Becoming Whole

Interview: Brian Fikkert on Becoming Whole

Brian Fikkert recently sat down with staff member Laura Haley to discuss the new book he co-authored with Kelly Kapic, Becoming Whole—and how the stories we tell ourselves shape our work with the poor.