


Why Your Church is Called to Help the Materially Poor

Why Your Church is Called to Help the Materially Poor

What is the task of the church? We are to embody Jesus Christ by declaring with both our words and our deeds that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords who is bringing in a kingdom of righteousness, justice, and peace. And the church needs to do this where Jesus did it: among the blind, the lame, the sick and outcast, and the poor.

How Churches Can Start a Jobs Ministry

Webinar Replay: How Churches Can Start a Jobs Ministry

Right now, millions of people on the margins are out of work and hurting. Your church can help—and we can show you how!

Leya and members of her savings group

Nobody Gave Her a Dollar: Leya’s Story

Editor’s note: As we’ve been sharing about the importance of walking well with churches in the majority world, we’ve made mention several times of Chalmers’ partners in this work. This story is from our partners at HOPE International, who have faithfully expanded church-based savings groups in multiple countries over the past several years.  Just before…

Women in a savings group in West Africa

Real Churches, Real Change

Through the Chalmers Center’s Restore: Savings curriculum and our network of trainers and partners, thousands of local churches in the Majority World have been equipped to launch savings groups. In church after church, we’ve seen God take the mustard seeds of people’s savings and grow them into a harvest of hope in the midst of deep poverty. 

Local Churches, Local Resources, Lasting Change

Local Churches, Local Resources, Lasting Change

Microfinance can be a powerful tool for helping people escape extreme poverty. When we shift our thinking, it can be even more powerful. How can we make the most of the opportunities microfinance provides?

Walking Well with Churches in the Majority World

Walking Well with Churches in the Majority World

In God’s grand story, churches in the Majority World of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, have a critical role to play. How can we walk together in ways that enhance the dignity of materially poor churches—and the individuals and communities they serve?

Helping Without Hurting in Africa Webinar

Helping Without Hurting in Africa Digital Book Launch

We recently hosted a live webinar to celebrate the launch of our latest resource, Helping Without Hurting in Africa. Watch a recording of the webinar here! 

Building Community on Tiny Screens

Building Community on Tiny Screens?

“Are you going to adapt the 12-week Faith & Finances class into a virtual format that we can offer our participants?” In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the Chalmers staff have been asked this question a number of times over the past few months. Man, we get it. We’ve all had to scramble to pivot…

A Lament

A Lament

We lament for the brokenness on display in our country and pray with longing for the all-encompassing shalom that comes only through our Lord Jesus Christ. We offer this prayer and invite you to pray with us.

What Does the Lord's Supper Have to Do With Poverty Alleviation?

What Does the Lord’s Supper Have to Do with Poverty Alleviation?

What does this sacrament have to do with caring for the materially poor and helping them to overcome the causes of poverty in their lives? How does a simple worship service impact the reality that suffering people experience here and now?

Doing All Things Well

Doing All Things Well

The right approaches to poverty alleviation are not quick fixes, but often decades-long processes that you can’t control. That’s why it’s so important to focus on being formed into people who can walk the long road of mutual transformation by the power of Christ.

The Incarnation and Poverty Alleviation

The Incarnation and Poverty Alleviation

Poverty is complex and multi-faceted. Individual sin, systemic oppression, and even demonic forces can all contribute to poverty. Indeed, the problems are so large that only God can solve them, not a distant God but an incarnate God. The only solution to poverty once lay in a manger.

What Are People For?

What Are People For?

If we are serious about our efforts to address the root causes of material poverty and see real change in the lives of people in our communities and around the world, there is a key question that we often fail to ask first. What are people for?

Finding Hope in God's Story

Finding Hope in God’s Story

What should churches be doing now to serve the materially poor in their neighborhoods and around the world?

Sewing False Dichotomies Back Together

Sewing False Dichotomies Back Together

We often operate under false dichotomies when we think about serving the poor. What are these dichotomies—and how can we think about poverty alleviation in more biblical ways?

Illustration of a woman

The Stories We Tell

At Chalmers, we want to be story-driven whenever possible. What makes a good story? One that reflects God’s story, and demonstrates how Jesus brings lasting change in the life of a person, family, or community.

Illustration of a man looking at a computer

Why We Do What We Do

If you’ve been following the work of the Chalmers Center for any length of time, you know that we don’t operate in quite the same way as many ministries. Chalmers isn’t an implementing organization that directly helps materially poor people; rather Chalmers equips your church or ministry to help materially poor people more effectively. To…

Partnerships Re-Purpose Space and Re-Ignite Hope

Partnerships Re-Purpose Space and Re-Ignite Hope

How a long process of transformation brought churches, nonprofits, and even government services together to show the love of Christ in a community.