Posts in “Helping Without Hurting”
Why Your Church is Called to Help the Materially Poor
What is the task of the church? We are to embody Jesus Christ by declaring with both our words and our deeds that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords who is bringing in a kingdom of righteousness, justice, and peace. And the church needs to do this where Jesus did it: among the blind, the lame, the sick and outcast, and the poor.
Local Churches, Local Resources, Lasting Change
Microfinance can be a powerful tool for helping people escape extreme poverty. When we shift our thinking, it can be even more powerful. How can we make the most of the opportunities microfinance provides?
Walking Well with Churches in the Majority World
In God’s grand story, churches in the Majority World of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, have a critical role to play. How can we walk together in ways that enhance the dignity of materially poor churches—and the individuals and communities they serve?
Doing All Things Well
The right approaches to poverty alleviation are not quick fixes, but often decades-long processes that you can’t control. That’s why it’s so important to focus on being formed into people who can walk the long road of mutual transformation by the power of Christ.
Why We Do What We Do
If you’ve been following the work of the Chalmers Center for any length of time, you know that we don’t operate in quite the same way as many ministries. Chalmers isn’t an implementing organization that directly helps materially poor people; rather Chalmers equips your church or ministry to help materially poor people more effectively. To…
From Needs to Assets—Shifting the Dynamic of Ministry
When we try to help people, we often start by trying to identify what’s wrong with the low-income individual or community, and then we try to bring in outside resources to fix what’s wrong. What if we started with what’s right with the people and communities we serve?
Responding to the Global Impact of COVID-19
We’ve all felt the impact of the global pandemic in our own backyard. But what’s been the effect on our global neighbors, their families, and vulnerable children? And what can American Christians do about it?
The Local Church in a Pandemic World
When we’re faced with a pandemic or a global economic crisis, we look for solutions that are as big as the problem. As part of the global body of Christ, your local church is part of the biggest solution to the world’s biggest problems!
A (Re)orientation to Chalmers Resources
Whether you’re new to Chalmers or have been with us for many years, this online guide will help you get connected to the right tools for your ministry.
Benevolence in an Economic Crisis
In a global pandemic and economic crisis, helping your neighbors in need can seem like an impossible task! But your church can do something to help. Watch this webinar to learn more!
What’s the Best Way to Provide Help in a Crisis?
The best approach to helping someone depends on the situation. In a time of crisis, we should definitely err on the side of generosity. What does this generosity look like during a global pandemic?
We’re All Poor
People in a middle-class community often see the materially poor as people we need to “fix.” But what if everyone is affected by the same underlying brokenness that contributes to material poverty?
COVID-19: 5 Ways Your Church Can Respond
We’re all reeling from the changes the world has experienced almost overnight from the COVID-19 outbreak. Here are a few ways your church can respond with love and mercy during this time.
Riding Out the Storm Together
The church is uniquely positioned to survive and even thrive under these conditions. But doing so will require love, compassion, and obedience.
Signs You May Be Enabling Someone
How do you know when your help is enabling someone? Learn how to recognize the signs—and what you can do about it.
What Should I Do When People Ask for Money?
When someone comes up to you on the street and asks for money, what’s the right way to respond? Check out this short video!
Your Church is a Family
Your local church can do something for the materially poor that no other organization can do: be a family. What does a loving family look like?
Helping Orphans and Vulnerable Children without Hurting
One of the primary ways many American Christians encounter extreme poverty is in caring for orphans and vulnerable children. How do we help children without hurting them?