Gain skills and confidence with our online training
Help people in poverty steward their money well
Address poverty in a biblical, effective way
Get a sample of Faith & Finances curriculum

Faith & Finances is a trusted resource for 700+ churches and nonprofits:

Tired of financial advice that doesn't work for people in poverty?
Traditional financial education tools aren't designed for people living at the poverty line.
Let’s face it: when someone is struggling to make ends meet, advice on retirement accounts and mortgages just isn’t relevant.
There's a better way to help people steward their money well, even if you're not a financial expert.
Through Faith & Finances training, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to launch and lead a financial education class for low-income adults at your church or nonprofit.

Financial obstacles keep people trapped in poverty.
Without the right tools and a supportive community, it’s nearly impossible to escape the cycle!
With Faith & Finances, you can help!
We'll train you how to launch a financial education class for low-income adults at your church or nonprofit.
How Faith & Finances training works
Get Trained
Complete 6 units of online training and gain the skills you'll need.
Launch Your Ministry
Mobilize a team to launch Faith & Finances at your church or nonprofit.
Stay Connected
Get ongoing support from a network of fellow Faith & Finances leaders.
What people are saying about Faith & Finances

“Faith & Finances can help people make really large changes in their lives. If you want to do the best thing for people who are materially poor, do Faith & Finances.”
Matt Seadore
Kennewick, WA

“What I love about Faith & Finances is that it’s geared for low-income learners. It helps create relationships and a safe place for [people] to learn.”
Lori Haskell
Knoxville, TN

“I had no bank account and no sense of security financially. Now I have financial security, and I’m more socially connected through personal relationships.”
Maurice Lattimore
Atlanta, GA

“I’m paying my bills on time, I’m saving money, and I have a banking account that I keep up with. I quit spending money on things that I didn’t need to have.”
Pamela Adams
Chattanooga, TN
Get trained
Join other ministry leaders from around the U.S. and Canada for a 7-week online course with coaching from an expert Lead Trainer.
Facilitator Training
April 21 – June 7
$309 $279
per person plus Eventbrite fees
Early bird ends April 6
Includes weekly Zoom coaching calls
What you’ll learn during Faith & Finances training:

Our guarantee
If you’re not completely satisfied with this training within 30 days of your purchase, we will give you a full refund.