It’s okay to ask for help in your poverty alleviation ministry...
Many churches and ministries want to help, but struggle to know how to effectively serve their low-income neighbors in ways that don’t lead to unhealthy dependencies.
Chalmers has trained a network of certified Ambassadors to help your church or ministry understand and apply Chalmers’ foundational principles, practices, and tools for poverty alleviation.
They’re ready to help you think through what you're already doing and identify next steps for your unique situation.
In this training, you'll discover:
How you can get your church or organization on board with helping without hurting principles
How an ambassador can help your specific ministry to help without hurting.
How your church or organization can work with a Chalmers ambassador.

Meet Your Guides
Director of Foundational Products
You'll be learning from Justin Lonas, Director of the Foundational Products at the Chalmers Center. Justin read When Helping Hurts with his church missions committee in 2009, starting a shift in his thinking about poverty and the church that led to his joining the team at Chalmers in 2016.
At Chalmers, he coordinates the work behind books, articles, blog posts, online courses, video projects, and small group curriculums produced by Chalmers’ staff and ministry partners around the core concepts of a biblical framework for poverty alleviation and works with churches and organizations to help them apply these ideas in their ministry programs.

Lisa Sheltra is the Director of Community Engagement at Salt & Light, a faith-based poverty alleviation organization that operates non-profit grocery stores, educational services, and other community-development-based programs in both Champaign and Urbana. She also has experience at her local church for five years as the Community Outreach Director, and for twenty-five as a member of the church Benevolence Team.
Lisa's past professional background is in Education, and most recently before coming to Salt & Light she taught preschool for six years. She's honed her human development skills by raising two boys to young adulthood and surviving the process.
Matt Miller is the Executive Director of Send Me St. Louis. He trains, coaches, and connects churches and faith-based nonprofits as they seek to love, serve, and engage their communities and create cultures that encourage participation and volunteerism.
Matt has spent over fifteen years working in the faith-based nonprofit world. He is passionate about the intersection of the church and local community. He desires to see churches and followers of Jesus become an integral part of their neighborhood, contributing to its flourishing and bearing witness to God's inbreaking Kingdom.

Kevin Peyton is the Executive Director of Joshua's Place and Lead Pastor of the Village Church. Joshua's Place is a faith based non-profit in Southwest Ohio that serves families experiencing poverty. They serve five school districts with more than 400 volunteers and 25 churches. Programs include weekend food for students, after school tutoring, summer camps, trauma-informed training and food cooperatives.
The Village Church is a non-denominational church that was planted in a socio-economically challenged community and meets in a former elementary school that they have repurposed into a Community Center. Kevin owns a restaurant development company, The Boaz Company of Ohio, that currently has ownership positions in two concepts in the Cincinnati, Ohio market.
Jim Faber is a business owner and the Deacon Chairman at Resurrection Life Church in Grandville, MI.
At his church, he leads the monthly benevolence training meetings and approval of benevolence payments.